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Old 10-07-2012, 02:30 PM
lovetruth lovetruth is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 599
Dear ones, just as a violinist is able to reach higher and higher notes, you are each capable of raising your own vibration. It simply takes the will to step up your

frequency. This can be accomplished by meditating on something beautiful, engaging in loving thoughts, or sending loving energy to the earth or to any being. You

can also tune into nature with gratitude, so there are many ways to accomplish this. It only takes a moment to place in your mind and heart an image that uplifts

you to a higher state of awareness. Do this many times during the day, especially after an upset or any kind of perceived set back. Soon you will have created the

habit of staying centered in all situations, you are always in control of your feelings and reactions, no matter what life serves. Be resilient, learn to bend and flow

with life challenges, be creative in how you do this. If you make it a habit to see only the good in each situation, you will soon be adding your own power of

thought, linked to loving purpose. All loving thought shifts energy quickly, for all that is within you and all that appears around you. You are all teeming with

spiritual talents, now use them for the good of all, heal in each moment with an intention to bring balance in everything you encounter. As always, the first step is

your inner balance, which naturally radiates outward from your field. Access your power of love, it is always there waiting to be put into action as a creative force.

There is no more time to sulk and pity yourselves and others, make change in your world now, in this moment. Shift your emotional seesaws to the highest emotion

which is love. You learn by doing, dear ones, you have all had much practice in acquiring knowledge, now use your innate knowing in all ways, each moment to

moment. Happiness is contagious, your outlook ever creates your next moments, so watch with awareness, then shift. Just as every step you take, has become

automatic, so too, can your mind be trained to step up each thought. You all enjoy the company of one who is confident and happy. One who expects the best,

will surely bring the best to self, and in the same way uplift others. This confidence comes of trust that all is in order, no matter what the appearance. Gather with

your like minded friends, dear ones, and put your combined intent toward spreading love on the planet. See everything as already perfect, beautiful, peaceful,

transcendent. See what you know is the inner truth of each other, see the best now and therefore, create that by being that, it is the only way, being then

seeing. All starts within, you cannot change the laws of creation, rather you work within the law and create your outer world with this inner power, and what is

greater that a vision of love? Now, dear ones, this moment is yours to shift and bring balance, peace, wisdom and love. It is up to each of us moment by moment

to be that love. Babaji
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