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Old 26-02-2015, 08:48 PM
IsiahHolmes123 IsiahHolmes123 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 81
any show that makes money based off of rating from a network is bound to be faked at some point. Why? Well, because they make their livelihood off of their show and if no one watches it then it gets cancelled. If something happens every single episode, along with the jump scare music which sometimes masks whatever it is they say they heard, then people stay interested. If the people, in the case of ghost adventures, are extremly jumpy then its funny if nothing else. At the same time, if you go to enough haunted places with the intention of finding something you're bound to find it. On the other hand, I lived in a very haunted house for a long time and sometimes I'd go weeks without experiencing anything. Other times, it would just be a bad feeling or something of the like, which is difficult to relay to the audience through the medium of a camera. So, all and all, who knows. Im not saying its fake, they made news at one point, as did Josh Gates and his show "destination truth", but they have to keep people interested. Spirits, elementals, etc arent always cooperative so perhaps at times they have to fake it or else they don't eat ya dig?
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