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Old 04-10-2019, 11:43 AM
jro5139 jro5139 is offline
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Originally Posted by juststawp
Thank you so much for this well thought out and detailed reply, I really do appreciate it. One thing I have always been told by others who know me is that I'm not good at expressing how I feel or devoid of emotion. It has caused much conflict in my relationships specifically with people I have dated. This is why I think this connection has me freaked the F out. I'm not used to these overwhelming feelings and certainly not used to just laying that s**t out there with someone I don't know.

I took the Dark Night as the period in which after TFs separate after meeting, I didn't know it was the time leading up to the union. I am new to learning about TFs so that was my misunderstanding. I just already am so scared of that even though there's absolutely no red flags there yet.

As far as your last point goes, I guess I have to concede that wanting to know her more is something I would change. I didn't look at it that way. She told me about a company she used to work for and what she did for 8 years but stopped short about what he current situation is. She's inferred that she's dealing with depression issues and possibly some health issues and I think maybe in some ways our connection has been intense for her. When she has cancelled plans its usually because she says shes not feeling well or whatever medicine she is on has her in a bad mindset.

I appreciate your honesty, and I agree, I may well be way too deep with someone I don't know. It just feels so foreign to me to feel this way and this was the only way I could explain it.

The dark night of the soul is not specific to tfs. It is a part of the awakening process, and by awakening I mean spiritual awakening that leads to enlightenment. Not everyone that spiritually awakens experiences a tf, but it seems like most experience the dark night. The dark night is about letting go of the attachment to the old 3D realm. It involves a breaking down of one's old life, which has to happen to rebuild.
There is no specific time in which the dark night has to happen,like it may happen at different times along the process for different people. For a lot of people, it seems to happen before the awakening begins, but not always. For me, it happened after my awakening began, for my twin it happened before.

You can learn about tfs, but I would be careful in believing everything you read or hear. I don't necessarily believe all the theories that are out there on the internet. Even reading this forum, you might notice different people believe different things about it. And even among the theories out there, you'll find contradictions.

It sounds like she might just be embarrassed about her current circumstances. My twin tends to be the more guarded type as well, sometimes not sharing details, especially if it is something he is embarrassed about. He'll just leave it out. If that's her personality, you will just have to learn to deal with it.
Also, tfs push us into facing issues that we have always had, so if you have never been good at expressing your emotions, it makes sense that this would come up for you.
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