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Old 06-03-2015, 03:30 PM
Pagandell Pagandell is offline
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Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
Dear Pagandell,
Trees - what an endearing subject.Human beings can, how you say - vibe, with trees. They are both susceptible and perceptible in the realms of ntention, emotion and connection. That is, they will pick up on your intention towards it. They do not perceive you as a physical entity but as an pproaching source of light, energy and animate chemical, pheromone and rhythm producing creature. They are hypersensitive to the vibration and to sound emanating from you as a being, and they use this vibration and sound as their sense of sight to populate an image of you, in order to view you as a curiosity or threat. The emotions that you feel towards it, if any, produce very subtle pheromones and particulates in the air and upon the objects you touch which send communicative signals, or what you have called vibes. The connection you make with the species tree is dependant upon these chemical, electrical and vibratory interactions between you. So hug them, hold them, touch them and treat them with the utmost respect they deserve for creating the planet you have today. Offer them gifts, sing to them, caress and nurture them, and give them the best environment possible to grow and survive.-Sparrow
Hi Sparrow.
Yeah, interesting as you say, trees do not see us as we see them
But when I look at a particular tree in the park from the the window in the comfort of my own home and my heart skips a beat at it's magnificence can the tree pick that up
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