Thread: Sidhe
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Old 11-06-2011, 06:06 PM
LadyVirgoxoxo LadyVirgoxoxo is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
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Posts: 895
The Sidhe were contacting me via dream??? Really??!! I'm hoonored Do you think they can feel what I'm feeling or know what I'm thinking? Because I tried to contact them yesterday when things were rerally bad at home XD I asked them to take me away. But then I really thought about it and I was like I don't think that's a very good idea lol
I can't see any in the first two pictures norseman But I can feel that they are there, it's a very powerful energy, I just know that they are there. Did you take those pictures? Oh and I did see the Sidhe queen in the water! XD

EDIT: It's really weird that I feel I can trust them like that. I'm not understanding why I have such a big connection with them. In this time when I feel I can't trust anyone, I feel I can trust them...
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