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Old 27-12-2010, 04:14 PM
Evaah Evaah is offline
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I posted this on an older thread, but this is one of the few experiences that I hold dear to me even considering the circumstances... only because I look back on it now and realize that some form of divine intervention was involved - be it angels or something else. Anyway...

I was in second grade. We had recently moved, and so I was a new kid at my elementary school..
My family and I were out getting exercise; my brother and I were riding our bikes and my parents were power-walking behind us. The road that led to my school was very steep, and as I raced down it on my bike, I glanced to the side for a split second - and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground, lying next to the street. My mom said if I had fallen any farther to the left, I would've been in the road and might have been hit. Well.. the right side of my face was entirely bloody, as was my shoulder and left thumb. My brother had seen me crash, and as I approached him, I asked him to help. But he was only a year older than I was, and therefore was scared of the sight of me.

My parents had rushed down to us and were figuring out how to get me home since it was about a fifteen minute walk back to our apartment. Just then, a car drove up beside us; inside were two young men. They offered to help us out, and so they drove my dad and I back home and then did the same for my mom and brother. The young man in the passenger's seat turned around and said to my dad: "You have a beautiful daughter." (My face was torn up and bleeding, by the way. Not a pretty sight at all.)
Strangely enough, that's the only thing I remember them saying. It's etched into my mind. But I never considered divine intervention/angel intervention until a couple of years ago.


Last edited by Evaah : 27-12-2010 at 04:31 PM.
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