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Old 10-04-2019, 03:23 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by John32241
3) Essentiall self love. There are two kinds. The first is to love the HS with all your heart and soul. That means you will follow its guidance for the sake of love and not for what you think you will get out of it in human terms. The second and most challenging, is love for all that you are in human form. Your dark side is a great example. Is it a thorn in your side or an ignorent frightened child. That choice of perception will often determing how far you get in life. So these are the practices to put into action as I see these things.


I have one question, John32241.

For the former method, how do you follow the HS's guidance? This infers an ability to differentiate (from ego).

In your opinion, is the HS not the heart itself? Is following it irrespective of fear or hard work, as an example?

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