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Old 10-06-2020, 02:57 AM
Posts: n/a
I, too, was raised a Christian but have Jewish roots. These are externals. My view is that we all have equal access to truths but.... truth is fluid. The absolute of today is cast aside tomorrow when more is known. This belief of mine is one that suffers when the dogmatic approach to existence is used. I now prefer mystical Catholicism and mystical Judaism. Generally speaking it is these two in the "west" that delve fearlessly beyond what is written. They are high on esoteria and low on dogma.

I would like to have an affiliation with a spiritualist church. I'd preach and do healings and that sort of thing. There are many in the Portland, OR. area. My home is just across the Columbia river in Vancouver, WA. None ever returns my emails though. Maybe it's not to be.

Here is something that I firmly believe. There are no phenomena in or around our world, physical or spiritual, that cannot be understood by our rational minds. If we have to then, for a time, it's OK to simply accept (on faith) but eventually there is more. This is a requirement, proof, of the dynamic of sentient existence. How can it be otherwise?

I note that no matter long long I wait there are always those who argue about origins. Was it creation or was it evolution? My answer is that it was both, that they dovetail perfectly. And what was there before there was a physical universe? There was, and still is (in support) a spiritual one. This is just another example of the separatist forces of the lower worlds. All we have to do to resolve this continuing question is to raise ourselves up to a point at which the divide grows very small and then stops. Then from this new position we easily, very easily, have an understanding. The new truth is there for us to see. But later even this one will fade and be replaced by another. This is what is so fascinating about esoteria. I mention this because other dilemmas in the world of human existence are, using the same method, easily solved. Suddenly we come to the realization that we tend to embody this divisiveness in the person of Satan. So then we have God at one end and Satan at the other. This, too, can be solved using the same method as indicated above.

What do you think?

BTW I've been to Ottawa. I used to drive an eighteen wheeler with cross border cargo, (1999 to 2009) usually aircraft grade (Alcoa) aluminum for a Bombardier factory north of the city. Interesting city.


Originally Posted by Nowayout
Thanks again, I find that helpful. Ram Dass once said, "when I don't know who I am I serve you, when I know who I am, I am you."

My life has been a good journey, and I enjoy encounters with the spiritually wise, I like what you present, I have some Buddhist Understanding and I have read the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and other Buddhist works, Tich Nat Han, and others have mingled a bit with the Shambala movement too.

The Spiritualist Church looks interesting, unfortunate there is none in the Ottawa area.

I was raised Christian, Jesus and the Love of God seems right to me. But all the Church dogma.....discouraging.
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