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Old 14-12-2017, 01:58 PM
Myke369 Myke369 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 53
Hello :)

I enjoyed reading your post because I related.

When I first lost my appetite I thought I'd end up becoming vegan however now I literally only eat when the universe provides it and this still includes lots of my favorite foods and I don't even need to be attached to receive them. I call my eating habits 'intermittent fasting' My body chooses when I eat and when it detox's and I go along for the ride trying to support myself best I can.

The sensations I have recognized in my solar plexus (when I started to pay attention) was like a vibration. First I thought it was my stomach; not so much that it was upset or anything but may was just processing foods or what not. When I actually gave it focus I could wholeheartedly feel a ball of energy SPINNING!! (I used caps for emphasis because this was an incredible feeling and realization for me and although i haven't felt it for a while that just tells me that I am activated in that energy pool and it pleases me :)

There are; as I have realized lots of relative dis-comfortable feelings that are once understood they make so much sense and once you have healed that chakra you possibly wont feel the discomfort as I cant recall much since after taking responsibility. I hope you enjoy what I have to say

All the best
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