Thread: Hearing Voices
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Old 09-10-2018, 07:48 PM
kuurt kuurt is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 147
For some reason, medication does help me to some extent with the voices I'm hearing. I know the voices I hear are real because I have recorded them and other people can hear them too when you play back the recording. So I know the voices are not imaginary. So I really have no idea why the medication helps quiet them down, but it does. They become easier to ignore when I'm on the medication and every time I get off the medication I go through pure hell - they won't leave me alone. So maybe you guys need to try a different medication. I'm taking Olanzapine which is generic for Zyprexa.

Although I don't think medication is the solution to getting rid of them, it does make it easier to deal with. When I'm off the medication it's like my ability to hear them and sense them is extremely heightened, and they cause me lots of anxiety. And when I'm on the medication all that anxiety goes away and my ability to hear and sense them is decreased.
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