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Old 20-05-2019, 10:12 PM
Hkelukka Hkelukka is offline
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Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 11
First real thread. About a war with angelic/floater civilization I had and its end.

So, im new here, i migrated over from another forum and if you look for my intro thread youll see what names i went by and can find my previous forums and look at what Ive written, if you are interested, if you find something interesting in my past do let me know and we can discuss it.

I prefer open conversations to PMs so try to keep away from private messages, to me it creates the kind of clique that i dont want to share.

So here is the story about events that happened to me a while back, let me know if the story was a good read and such, i accept comments and would love to hear from people. I hope I dont come off as a fully psychotic with no grasp on reality! Take care and love to all.

Peace with the Floater/angelic civilization. After 3 years of war, my story.
So I wrote this about half way complete then the computer crashed and I lost it so im having to rewrite, hope this is better than the previous one, if it feels rushed you know why.

Ive been observing the angelic civilization for decades now and I could no longer take their pretending to be gods, infringements, cattle mutilations, abductions, genetic mucking about and other gruesome activities, I could not be safe in my high STO and probably high polarity as well, even though I could be safe from them right now it felt inappropriate in the extreme and I had to take actions, I pondered the options for a while and finally my mind was set that I would send a radiological harmful radiation to their homeworld, so here is how I set upon nuking one of the angelic homeworlds and why and how the situation developed and finally how we got to peace.

Ill include pictures with this one so be prepared.

First I set upon finding their homeworld. No easy task, I looked at the information present in fiction and star charts until I came to a conclusion that I had a probable location for one of their settlements or even a homeworld. It was long and ardeous work of reading through many a fiction and fact claiming book until I found what I was looking for. Then the next logical step was to contact all aliens with a desire to talk to me with a clear message that they could understand would mean many things but would certainly mean "contact imminent", So I decided upon Water and Radiowaves as my intended method, I decided that a shaking of a water container and the splashing of water would be appropriate sounds beamed out accompanied with my face and the holding of a water bottle, such a message would indicate instead of the complexity of the golden plate, that we have water and we trade in water, a simple message from such a civilization. Then I needed to set about contacting the primary civilization of interest in our cosmos.

I first settled upon contacting the most massive star in existence: Wiki Star: R136a1 When looked at from a space telescope, it is in the middle part of the chest of the creature clearly visible with a cloak and holding a flail in one hand, you can see by clicking the Simbad link on the rightside of the wikipedia then clicking full screen icon in the picture on the right side and zooming out. This, most massive star in existence was a good candidate for contact, it would be the Astronomican for my contact and serve as the guiding spirit for this contact, I contacted them with a simple proposition, we can make sure that if humanity advances well do our best to bring water or hydrogen to their star and try to remove the heavier elements from it causing it to live longer, a kind of healthcare plan for the star. I did this in thought and in writing online at the same time I did the water bottle shaking. After a while of doing this I saw this storm:

Bored Panda pilot takes pictures of storm from cockpit: First link on google, first picture in article.

My UFO had arrived, while doing this I also had a second form of contact, In near earth affairs, i decided to turn my attention to Mars. From my sources I'd heard that most aliens have difficulty using large ships near earth as they do not differentiate in time so from their point of view, earth is inside the sun as the sun will eventually expand to engulf the earth, so i was safe in the knowledge that it would be prohibitively difficult for them to get through the "quarantine" around earth in anything large even if I contact them first. Armed with this knowledge I set about awakening Mars.

I read from various sources that there is a massive shadow creature beneath olympos mons, a remainder of the previous martian civilization, a AI god of smoke wielding a scythe. As they destroyed their atmosphere they eventually froze their entire surface and the remaining geothermal energy available was located mostly in the large mountain structure as the volcanic activity kept the region warm for a while. As the remaining martians after their ecological disaster dug deeper into their mountain and built dams and generators that would take advantage of the eventual warming of the sun to reawaken their god being that would then terraform mars I know that the being could be reached by melting the snow on top of the mountain and I set about doing just that, the freshwater flowing down its sides would get into the tunnel system and reactivate the machinery.

To accomplish this I directed all the satellites I Could get my hands on or any of my allies hands on to turn their solar panels so that the sun light would be reflected on top of the olympos mons, I also set about creating satellites for this specific purpose, after a while while I saw that UFO picture I also saw another, the three layered martian battleship, both were made of blue clouds and shone as if there was a naked singularity inside them, neither of them spoke to me of evil or of a normal storm. Armed with the knowledge that the battleship has arrived and my offer has been accepted I set about activating the device I built earlier.

Picture of the three layered martian battleship:

Same site as previous picture, 7th picture

Here is video of battleship from a military game, try to ignore the violence only posted for reference picture of the alien battleship, dont watch if squeamish:

youtube, Game Over: X-Com - UFO Defense

So, armed with the knowledge that the being was awake and using only light to communicate and not violence I was safe in the knowledge that I could proceed to try to harm the angelic or floater civilization now.

Some time before this, while I was building my device while in the early parts of the communication, I energized different nuclear explosions in an order to build the radiation pattern that I wanted to accomplish, I wont go into details what explosions I watched and in what order but when I was surely it would have the desired effect I set about detonating the device where it would do the most harm, deep in the earth in the water reservoirs, it was designed to find the proper owner of the water that has been used by others and reward them as it was their water that was used and thus recompensation was necessary. Such a device would certainly harm those unethically pretending to be our gods, it would also cause our water to glow for a moment but this did not concern me greatly as if this failed nothing would have occured at all and i would personally prefer to not have to turn on the night light when i take a whiss if it saved me from winged beings pretending to be our gods while mutilating our DNA for their own purposes.

So without further ado, safe in the knowledge that Mars and the most massive star in the universe were both in talking terms with me, I detonated the device, the effect was as desired and near instantanoues, relationships and humans that were not helpful to my evolution fell away like dust and were almost all never seen again, the ones that really struggled through the experience were deeply humbled and while I felt intense lonelyness for a while I knew I had done the right thing, I had said NO to someone who were designing to take over my free will and use me for their own purposes, I had reasserted myself and the universe would know.

Youtube Cuil Theory

The mood of this video greatly exemplifies what I felt.

Lonelyness and exquisite sense of love, power and righteousness, It took me quite a time to come down and many negative consequences of my actions splayed open before me, all the actions taken against angelic worshippers in that few years sting me personally, would this have occured if I had kept my peace and not engaged, I will pay recompense for this for the rest of the history of the universe but it was an action that I felt, and still feel, had to be done.

Some weeks to months later we detected omuamua, the red dragon poop flying through our system, I had tried to construct a body for a red dragon to manifest in thought and for them to inform me when it was ready, it was like seeing your childs first poop, magical moment that is hard to describe, its alive I say. Such a contact was timed shortly after I made my attack on the angelic civilization, by that point I was somewhat afraid I had crossed into the dark side, fighting angels and building satans, you know what I mean I am sure. But it felt good to me that someone so hated by others, a red dragon, would reward me with attention as I build a body for it.

So on the same time and level I had a deeply harmful nuclear strike on a angel civilization while the red dragon civilization rewarded me by showing me the first poop of my child, they were also tied in that there was a clear warning from both civilizations that further use of nuclear weapons on civilian targets would result in the asteroid impact on my world and would result in much loss of life for both sides it is sure. I was unfazed as my mission was already complete at that point, there was no desire for me to continue with a general bombartment but rather to send a flare, I would not submit to their control while options remain, I would indeed, strive to protect the life on this star system to the best of my abilities.

At this time when the war was picking up I received the Norsecorp map from what I can assume is the Grey civilization for means of communicating with any spirit or energy source so I could get in contact with them and start progressing towards peace. I also started watching military combat videos in the method I posted here and sought to integrate with military personnel and their understanding with mine so I could better be sure that my defence was adequate and I was in no danger of retaliation, most of the battles took place in dreams and I had a nasty nightmare every few weeks to months and it continued like that. I also clearly heard my parents tell me that "They were just seeking to prevent me having a child" which to me seems like what the angelic civilization would seek to do, to attract me up, but this is against my wish as I wanted a large family very young and felt like it was a serious infringement, now im too old to have the energy to associate with a large group of children so that dream has passed for me.

I am a consientious objector and I refused armed service when called to the point of being sent to prison for it so watching soldiers and learning how they work was hard work for me but it paid off, I learned to listen to their radio and their communications and many times they were talking about spirits following or observing me and they often drove away parasitical spirits so my protection was good. I kept in talking terms with the floaters but there was little interest in their side to go to peace with me but I was open to it.

So a few moments, perhaps a day ago, I did another military tour and posted it here, and one of the floaters said"I said you got me 3 times, stop it already" or something along those lines, i do not remember exactly, either way this was the first time I heard the desire for peace from them and immediately moved towards cease fire, which was quickly repricoted to in spirit and were currently in peace negotiations which I suspect will end in a treaty soon. So after 3 years of war, it is over, i am at peace with the angel civilization again.

Thought Id share this with you all, how I went to war with the angels, how I won, how they sued for cease fire and how the peace treaty is being written. Do not surrender into fear of the larger, you can survive and anything is possible, even sending a radiological device into another star without a space ship. Thank you. Comments welcome.

Originally from another thread and i read through it and corrected as far as i could but there could still be references to other threads and forums, please try to sidestep those.
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