Thread: 10 of pentacles
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Old 21-05-2019, 04:37 PM
Vanno317 Vanno317 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 31
10 of pentacles


I made a friend while I as away and I kinda of developed a crush on him. I had a feeling he liked me as well, he was part of the staff. They are not able to give their personal information to clients at the job until after they no longer need service there . . I knew the rules so before I left I asked him anyways . He told me to write him a letter . I asked for advice about the situation, I pulled the Knight of Swords. I take it as a “Yes”. I sent out the later last Thursday.
The cards indicated I won't receive a response this week. I asked if" I will receive a response next week", the outcome was the 10 of pentacles. I see it as a "Yes" but I'm confused about the content. It would be a lot easier to read if it was a swords cards. For the 10 of pentacles I focus on the material aspect, I know it stands for engagements, stability, security, advancements and completions since it's numerology is 10.

I would love to hear your perspective about the outcome with this card.
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