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Old 28-01-2019, 10:44 PM
Sapphirez Sapphirez is offline
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well I don't know what you mean by "technological intervention" but it is usually not a good thing for an animal or species.. so it depends what exactly you have in mind. if you want chickens to start popping pills or being injected with some sick serum or something so they stop producing males, well that sounds terrible and not just "playing God" but "playing Devil" but again I don't know what you have in mind. However there isn't a "problem" with chickens having too many male children, there is a problem with humans thinking they should eat the eggs because eggs are not even good for humans! So why would we go and interrupt their genome sequences or whatever just to make more female chickens which won't be good for the chicken species or the human species?

yes I am aware of how hybridized most plant foods we eat today are and it is unfortunate, albeit more delicious in many cases.. but plants are not the same as a chicken or a human, so meddling with them in modest ways is not comparable to nearly wiping out the male gender of an animal species! I don't know that much about plants, or animals, but I am in favor of getting heirloom varieties of foods when we can. hybrid versions are not as healthy, though obviously much more widely available.. it is amazing what humankind has done to transform nature already, and some of it may be for good, some for bad, but with the kind of creepy technology we have today I think it presents a terrifying horizon and hopefully you mean something relatively benign and innocent that you want done to chickens, but I don't know it just sounds awful to start making them mostly female and lose an entire gender, that just sounds so wrong.. how does it sound right to you??
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