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Old 12-04-2017, 06:18 AM
Ground Ground is offline
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 993
Originally Posted by Iamit
If Oneness is the only reality, ...
Well it isn't. Neither "the only reality" nor a reality.

However it could be said to be a reality if 'reality' here exlusively means 'conventional reality' and if one is aware that the validity of that convention is restricted to a very small group of believers [in oneness].
The same holds true for the validity of spiritual paths: the validity is restricted to a very small group of believers [in those paths].

Now someone may object: "But something that isn't valid for all people independent of their beliefs cannot be called 'valid'." which then would reveal that even using the concept 'validity' in the affirmative depends on belief in validity.

Question: How would a non-believer position himself towards the questions of 'oneness' and 'spiritual paths' and 'validity'?
Answer: Equanimously resting in suchness.
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