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Old 03-11-2016, 02:38 AM
Clover Clover is offline
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The fox has always called to me, particularly because my grandmother loved them so much and always tell me stories about them. Unfortunately, pop culture main streamed them a bit with that silly fox song.The essence of the Fox has made it's presence to me in the past few years, which has been the most duration of my awakening growth periods.

So yeah, I buy coffee fox mugs, cupcakes, and anything quirky with Foxes on them

Here is information from Shamanic Journey on what the Fox represents, in summary:

  • Fox is amongst the most uniquely skilled and ingenious animals of nature. Being a night creature, fox is often imbued with supernatural powers. Foxes are usually seen at dawn and dusk. This is the time, when the world of magic and our every day realities cross paths.
  • As fox is an animal of the between times and places, it can be a guide into the faerie realm. Fox has a long past of magic and cunning associated with it. It can move in and out of circumstance restoring order or causing confusion.They then use their ability to camouflage. When we learn to detach from our surroundings and to use all our senses to be observant, we will also be able to anticipate and create the future

  • Those with fox as a spirit guide are frequently smart and witty but must remember to keep their crafty and clever demeanour balanced or it could backfire.
  • Fox can also show you that your actions may be too obvious and the need to learn to be more discreet. Fox is a wise, potent, teacher for those who choose to live conscious and deliberate lives

Forum member Lepus has a thread all about Foxes here, I often add photos to the thread because I love it so much.

I also feel a connection to falcons and rabbits/hares. I have always had a great admiration for turtles and tortoises which I have been seeing a great deal lately. My daughter and I picked one up today and set him in a safer place away from the road. I will probably write about them soon ( The tortoises) Reminding me of longevity, patience, balance of the Yin/Yan and protection during this new transitional period
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