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Old 08-05-2017, 06:36 PM
Belle Belle is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 8,227
reading for angel star - what does she need to know to motivate herself better

RW Tarot :

Challenge: Queen of swords - strong willed lady. i get the sense you are stuck in a rut, you know what you want but it is mind over matter and the mind is winning out. THis is also a card of emotions and be wary that you aren't suppressing your emotions which are keeping you locked down so to speak, by releasing the emotions whatever they may be, you will start to release the flow of energy that you need to in order to reignite your life. I see her as being very powerful in your life and that your relationship with her is very powerful and it needs a tweak so she works with you more smoothly, not so much against you.

What lies ahead: 6 swords. You are moving on clearly and smoothly and so by defeating the strong will which is keeping you moving forwards, you will do so with grace and ease. Ask for help if necessary, but change is on the horizon, when you start to go with the flow it will happen gently.

Hope this helps

Next reading for Belle: I'm putting my flat on the market. Will I have an easy ride of the transition to a happier home?
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