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Old 08-05-2017, 08:19 AM
Belle Belle is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 8,227
Message of encouragement for tealily

Psychic Tarot

Heart chakra drawn. This is a time of balancing for you - and there is a need which you cannot work against of processing through the heart. This is powerful, pure but also painful. 3 x ps. It is a time of great awakening for you but not necessarily easy. As you work though things - work, home, play, etc - you will find a growing awareness and the best way to manage all this is to dig deep into your psyche, build up in the roots element of your being to support your heart building - create a secure structure so the heart feels safe in the environment. It is also a time of forgiveness and I feel this starts with yourself, the need to be kind to yourself, really honour yourself and cherish yourself for the wonder that you are and are becoming. Not an easy time but a time of great growth.

Hope that helps, let me know how if you need me to go deeper.

Next reading for Belle : Whatever
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