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Old 07-04-2013, 02:06 AM
adamkade adamkade is offline
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Originally Posted by CrystalSong
Its interesting where our conversation has wandered to!

As I progress along this Path I try very hard to stay open to the influence of Spirit and it's quiet whisperings and have noticed certain themes and that those themes are often a vehicle showing the ego self that "Yes, This Is All Real- Relax - Trust."

For a long time Spirit had me Healing people and animals an even a few trees, this I saw as labwork in learning how to work with the subtle energy.

Then there was a time of spiritual counseling, in which people came to me who were just starting on the path and so I was able, just be a smidgen further down it, to speak with them in a useful ways. This helped lock in my own understanding better.

Next came learning to use tools to focus better, hear my Guides and work with other people in higher realms to bring knowledge into the 3D for use on their Path. Crystals, cards and Runes were very useful in this aspect.

Then came the forums and discussion with others on spiritually and awakened subject matter, which seems to be where I am currently. Like StephenK it seems when typing something in response to someone it holds a wisdom far beyond that of egoaic self. And often the person it was meant for is deeply moved in a way that tells me Higher Selves are working together to bring forth that which is in the Highest Good and in Divine Order.

I'm playing with concepts like when we move forward in love to engage someone in a helpful and useful way and we are surrendered to spirit, is it possible that our Higher Self is in contact with their Higher Self and that Higher Self tells us what needs to be said and we type it out?
Could it be that through surrender and Love we are able to 'channel' the person we are attempting to help's Higher Self?

Then came the forums and discussion with others on spiritually and awakened subject matter, which seems to be where I am currently. Like StephenK it seems when typing something in response to someone it holds a wisdom far beyond that of egoaic self. And often the person it was meant for is deeply moved in a way that tells me Higher Selves are working together to bring forth that which is in the Highest Good and in Divine Order.

I have been meditating lately. What you spoke of the higher self. I believe that is true too. However, I was thinking upon myself and the experiences that I have had since I was a child. I understood these concepts as a child. I know that seems odd but it is true.

I was asking a deep question about myself, and as, like you, I naturally believed the teaching that you expressed about the higher self. I have even been aware of a person higher self, and have often noticed that the words that are spoken by me are really the higher self the other expressing itself through my lips to their lower mind.

I started asking about my higher self. Spirit informed that my higher self and lower self are integrated in my being, as it is in the now. This initially surprised me. Now it makes perfect sense. I am able to access my higher almost at will. It is only when I am stressed that I am not able to do so. If I take a moment and relax, then I can connect easily.

I am looking after my father at the moment. He is terminally ill. Yet I do not see this as a sad time. I believe he is near to be born. I believe at his death he will be born in the next world. In fact I know it to be true. Others around me are freaking out, and find the situation really difficult to deal with. I believe that my way of being will one day be the norm. People will no longer fear death and see it as a birth. I am aware of course that the reason why we are here is to be able to access/remember/learn that which we need to in order to experience the higher realms to a greater degree and depth.

Thank you for your lovely posts. It is invigorating to read such enlightened words, as well as StephenK's wise words too.

Peace and love always.
We are the phoenix rising,
we are the phoenix rising,
we are the phoenix rising.

If I do a reading for you. Be aware, that all readings are for entertainment purposes only.

*I hope you got a receipt for your goldfish.

"It is worst still to be ignorant of your own ignorance"
Saint Jerome.

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