Thread: ashtar comand
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Old 23-06-2019, 07:13 AM
SkyGodWarrior SkyGodWarrior is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 719
Yeah this is different from what we are use to... but we are intentionally left in the dark when it comes to these topics by the ones who think they are in command.... also along with guidelines higher demensional beings have to follow to avoid issues in the future...... especially when people can be so literal and "ratinal thinking" or have attachment issues etc.... to where a moral suggestion could turn into a cult lol.....

Beings who accended basically pick a task to help the universe with..... you accend 2 ways.. being loving and compassionate or being evil... lol... so the spirtual principbles are pretty much the same for us humans since we dont know them because of how our society is structured.....

for example... Satanist have infiltrated entertainment business so they are teaching the negative way of accending... "long story short" so that pretty much leaves people to understanding that lack and unhappiness is their reality...

the positive beings teach the opposite... and are here to serve.... since they are at a higher demensional lvl.... they make sure that the dark doesnt do something that creates complete unbalance between light and dark.....

there is a lot to learn here obviously as I am trying to focus on the main parts... each thing can be broken down and researched for more details...

So since the dark beings capp out at 6 demensional and the positive beings go infinitely above that... it depends on what level... each level has a different focus..... beings like ashtar command may have a range from 6-9demensional beings... and angels, especially arch angels are well above that.... but these beings are ego less and they have had to learn from our pass on what they can and cannot do.

The reason why ashtar command and higher demensional beings dont like the idea of being called or labeld heros is because it the idea of a hero takes the infinite power one has within themselvves away...... if your more concerned about being rescued... perhapps you wouldnt try so hard? Maybe you wouldnt grow to be able to not be rescued...

The job of the dark is to decieve... so the 1st thing they will do is go after the things that harm them the most.... and that are beings that are higher than them.... they know that these loving beings dont over step your perception unless they need to.

for example.... it was said that the dark had a virus that would cause something similar to a zombie outbreak.....

reports said that immediately before releasing this type of thing... a angel would appear and the whole thing would be neutralized.... but A angel is worreid about telling you who or why they did it for.... these beings are there to teach and help balance this world as we grow...

its complicated lol
I ask that you ask questions if you have them on what I have said. I have lots of experiences and feel that I can communicate them in a way that you can understand.
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