Thread: Heart-Science
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Old 06-11-2017, 12:50 PM
Scommstech Scommstech is offline
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 55
An interesting thread, but at the end of the day no new concept of science and spirituality, whatever they are.
I've read countless books and listened to many Youtube lectures and it is the same old, same old. Everybody seems to be just repeating what others have said but dressing it up in different finery.
I may be a little unfair here but it seems very few if any can think outside the box.
Scientists are very good at finding the dots, but not necessarily good at joining the dots or realising their importance. Spiritually minded people are not good at joining the dots, because of having fixed ideas, consequently we still get many who can't see the wood for the trees because they can't change their approach.
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