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Old 24-06-2013, 10:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Jenny Crow
How would you describe remote viewing and how would you say it differed from astral projecting, if at all?

Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV) is the trained ability to obtain accurate psychically derived data on persons, places, things and events anywhere in time and space, using only a pen, paper and one’s mind.

(In AP, the adept simply project from Lucid dreaming or Meditation which is using only one's own mind)

Remote Viewing is an innate ability that all humans possess, but like language, it must be learned. When utilizing this methodology, you are not in an altered state. You are fully conscious, alert and in a state of "high attention."
- I know, this is nothing new as other members may say.
I only mentioned this as it is definitely has been experimented on,
and because of what it has in common with AP.
Anybody interested about the research and how the method was developed, just search for Ingo Swann/CRV.
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