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Old 06-12-2016, 06:03 AM
Colorado Colorado is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 715
As a collective would have been much harder to live with a disability in another time here. There was a time when people hid them away, abusing them and not embracing or teaching them. Now, as a collective conscience, as a whole...society is educating, helping and much more understanding...even bringing awareness and attention to Autism and other disabilities. I'm a quite proud of the people who are helping, and the people who are living through it. They are so strong, overcoming so many odds with will power and help from others. They have to try so much harder, but it's a test of the spirit. I work with people who have Autism, and thy are doing wonderful. They've come along way...but it's a calling to everyone, to come together, and help each other. Whether it's a disability, poverty, or something else that needs to be understood. Like Dr. Phil says, you can't fix what you don't acknowledge...these things are being acknowledged and a spotlight is being put on them. More than anything, we are learning to come together.
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