Thread: Advice sought
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Old 24-03-2019, 04:28 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Greenslade
What is it you're looking for? How do you scratch that unscratchable itch that just won't stop nagging away at you?

If you want to help people Spiritually, what does that mean to you personally?

I spent five years in a place I really didn't want to be but I didn't have a lot of choice really. It was either take the job or have my tail on the street, literally. Around the same time I was going through some quite radical Spiritual changes and that realm was opening up to me in ways that I couldn't have possibly imagined at the time. The Spiritual and the physical were very much reflecting each other at the time, there was something of a 'mini-reincarnation' going on. But what was also happening was that the Spiritual and the physical were juxtaposed and very much working together, the Spiritual and the physical were not opposite and not beyond reconciliation.

It was through the job I didn't want to be in that I could make subtle yet major changes to people's Lives, just by helping them find a little piece of themselves that they'd thought they'd lost. I understood how connections over so much time were not lost and discovered a Spirituality beyond the ideologies and theologies. I met one of the people a couple of years later in the street and that opened my eyes to so many things. He had convinced himself he wasn't going to gain a computer qualification because he was a lost cause, but I led him to realise that he was so badly wrong. I remember the look in his eyes but in particular the look in the eyes of his daughter. She realised something, in that moment.

You can help people to be Spiritual by just being you but you have to let go of the definitions of what "Spiritual" and "teaching" constitutes. You do it every day by the way you interact with people, the only question is how you interact and with what intentions and that sets what you teach them. Everybody learns from you, you learn from everybody. And one of the best contexts to do that is in a job where you can bring home the bacon, both in terms of financial security and Spiritually helping people.

Thanks GS!

And one of the best contexts to do that is in a job where you can bring home the bacon, both in terms of financial security and Spiritually helping people.

That is my dream - haha

What is it you're looking for? How do you scratch that unscratchable itch that just won't stop nagging away at you?

Not only that - it's the only sane part of life almost [to me]

If you want to help people Spiritually, what does that mean to you personally?

Helping them become free - from ego (I know you don't like the word); transcendence, beauty, love, life

Thanks for your comments and sharings,

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