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Old 02-08-2019, 04:40 PM
NoOne NoOne is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 1,265
My understanding of Quantum Theory is sketchy, but I believe a particular quantum (piece) of spacetime does not become a wave or a particle until it is observed. Before it is observed, it exists in both states simultaneously, in a sort of superposition. In fact it exists in three states at once, wave, particle and both at once.

Quantum computers work on this principle, instead of bits(1 or 0), they use qubits (wave, particle or any number of states in between). Physicists don't fully understand how Quanta work exactly, but it is believed that when a Quantum computer does a calculation, much more quickly than an electrical computer ever could, it actually harnesses the power of parallel universes and higher dimensions to arrive at the result of the calculation.

In other words, an infinite number of copies of the same quantum computer in an infinite number of parallel universes all contribute to the same calculation, giving it seemingly magical properties, such as the ability to break incredibly complex encryptions, that would take billions of years with a normal supercomputer.

It is also believed that the very same principle will be used to harness the power of an infinite number of parallel universes, to create an endless, inexhaustible energy source.
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