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Old 11-08-2018, 05:35 AM
Unseelie Queen Unseelie Queen is offline
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My views on this have shifted a bit over the past year (due to certain things I've been shown, and also watching my brother die).

I believe that some souls--perhaps those in dire, severe need of healing-- immediately ricochet out of and beyond the earthly planes and rejoin with their soul family + the universal source energy/the creator/what-have-you and sort of disperse, expand and meld with all of it. What happens after that, I do not know. I think some go to a kind of semi-structured place that's very near the physical realm, sort of like a very lucid, solid dream state shared by/anchored by some members of our soul family and ancestral family (or any benevolent thing/energy source with a similar energetic signature/frequency) perhaps, and remain there in a kind of calm stasis for a time-- but I could be wrong. But I'm almost certain I've visited this place when out of body somehow.

I view a soul (animating a human body) as a sort of tightly condensed microcosm of the entire universal consciousness contained within the center of several energetic bodies, expanding with each experience/incarnation.

I feel that when traumatic events occur-- whether in one of our own timelines/incarnations or in those of our ancestors-- the wounds exist in those subtle bodies regardless of what time period or place we are consciously perceiving on earth; they reverberate through our collective unconscious and can create mini voids or pocket dimensions of sorts. I see the various earthly planes and astral planes as overlapping layers (separate but not, like different radio stations, different frequencies) woven through and around us, powered by living, breathing and intelligent fractal-like webs. There are pockets of inconceivable bliss within realms of utter darkness and low-vibrational murkiness and vice versa. I have seen and felt how a single pixel within the fabric of eternity is like a tightly folded microscopic fractal or wormhole that can either expand into a galaxy or contract into a tiny hellish time loop. I've also seen how deeply rooted certain kinds of pains, traumas and addictions are, and how they are all linked-- how an ancestor's deep sorrow or addiction can bleed into our own & perpetuate itself and fragment the mind and subtle bodies (as long as there is some shared wound or shared hunger/loss) --

--Apologies, I am getting off topic. But all of that is why I cannot concisely summarize what I think "happens" after death. As someone else mentioned, one's mental state influences things quite a bit in the near earthly realms. A single human lifetime is so very, very small, so very short-- not unimportant, but to to me this physical dualistic existence is essentially a simulation or dreamstate (I do have some Gnostic beliefs, so I'm unsure as to whether all earthly/astral realms necessarily have our best interests at heart) and dying surely must be like breathing for the first time and stepping out of a heavy fog.
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