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Old 13-11-2019, 05:28 AM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
Posts: 3,580
What do I think?

We will find ourselves on whichever astral plane corresponds to our own vibration and development, surrounded by similar others.

We will meet our families but we may not spend much time with them unless they too are on that same level. Usually our parents will have died perhaps 25 Earth years previously so they may have moved on.

Pets have an astral body so they too exist on the astral plane, but their astral bodies are less developed so at some stage we will leave them behind.

What will we do there forever? We assimilate the lessons we have learned during our physical life, we explore the possibilities of life on the astral, we eventually shed our astral bodies and inhabit the mental worlds, and at some stage we shed the mental body. This is the end of the current personality. We then rest in consciousness before preparing to take on new bodies for our next incarnation.

The more advanced Soul will move quickly through the astral and mental levels and may take on various duties in service to others.

That (very briefly) is what I believe.

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