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Old 14-05-2013, 11:40 PM
Posts: n/a
As a 'newbie', and I don't mean just to this forum, I have wondered what to label myself as. I originally thought I was going down the Wiccan path but must admit I'm heading more down the Pagan path I think.

On another forum, after I'd posted a question asking for people's experiences on following Wicca, a debate ensued regarding whether I could be called a Wicca as I wasn't initiated. It went on for a number if days, I got fed up and just stay on SF now.

I would like a label, but only to be able to explain, quickly and succinctly, what I am, to the friends that know I've chosen this way of life.

There are many wise people on SF - I'd be in trouble if there weren't. ;-)

One thing I have learned on SF...we can probably call ourselves whatever we want. It's what's in our hearts that's important!!!

Now I must off to bed. It's late and I've got work in the morning.

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