Thread: Reincarnation.
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Old 06-01-2017, 04:40 PM
kris kris is offline
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Originally Posted by kennedy123
My biggest problem with reincarnation / karma is why the hell do we forget all our prior memories when we enter a new life? If we are getting punished or rewarded for something, we should know what actions caused that result in order to learn the lesson. Otherwise I can see many people born in bad circumstances just grow spiteful b/c from their POV they didn't do anything to deserve it. Hence bad karma could lead to even more bad karma, ... a negative cycle. Why the heck would you get punished for something you don't remember? That's just senseless suffering.
I have a child who had memory of a certain aspect of her past life. When she was two years and three months old, she behaved very peculiarly with me on two occasions separated by about a week. Her behavior puzzled me during the first occasion. The second time I realized that this peculiar behavior of her was similar to the behavior of another person in my life who had deceased a little less than two years before her birth. In fact it struck me that, with this peculiar, behavior she was explaining to me why the deceased person behaved a certain way with me. What all this tells me is that she was born to me because she carried the burden of her past life behavior to her/his death and she wanted to relieve herself of that burden. Once she realized that she had accomplished her goal she became a normal toddler again. I, for one, am glad that she is no more carrying the burden of her past life behavior. I don't think we will be able to carry on with our lives very well if were burdened with our umpteen past lives. I have no complaint about the system as it exists.
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