Thread: 333
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Old 17-05-2012, 08:11 PM
Horse Horse is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 405
Heres another theory:
Choronzon, 333, lord of hallucinations, I was bombarded by the number during the first psychotic episode I had and was hallucinating quite a lot. I never saw the connection between these 2 theories until now but I read that Choronzon is the gatekeeper that one must bypass in order to transcend the kabbalistic tree of life or something like that. Maybe the ascended masters are ones who have got past choronzon. You have to be utterly pure or Choronzon will tear you down. I clearly wasn't ready. I've had a bit of an epiphany just there. I know exactly what one needs to face Choronzon. The Buddhists call it Boddhicitta. The Kabbalists call it Lishma. I've just had some massive synchronicity leading up to this epiphany. It all begins with suffering. Suffering leads to awareness of the suffering of others. Awareness of the suffering of others leads to Boddhicitta. Boddhicitta leads to ascention. Choronzon simply uses ones evil against oneself which is why one who has attained Boddhicitta is invulnerable. What I mean by Boddhicitta is this:
Bodhicitta also means the aim to, on the one hand, bring happiness to all sentient beings, and on the other, to relieve them of suffering

To work towards ending the suffering of all sentient beings. If God/the creator is consciousness, then this is probably what the Kabbalists call Lishma to. Lishma means working for the benefit of the creator as opposed to working for the benefit of the self. In the Boddhicitta state, there is no you, there are only actions which you perform for the benefit of others. While you expect nothing in return, you are endowed with what some would call providence.
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