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Old 03-05-2019, 02:21 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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Originally Posted by Aethera
I also think there is a line between genuine suffering and narcissists, cause narcissists are catalysts that do not want to be responsible for finding the root to their pain/suffering, and instead try to find as many ways as they can to displace that pain and try to pin it to someone else, cause choose to see themselves as a victim, and use that a way of opting out of 'responsibility', and thus use that as a way of ensuing more chaos/suffering onto other's and inflicting unnecessary pain onto other's, that do not see that they are a narcissist.

i used to believe that wholeheartedly... until I caught on that others would then use that belief to opt out of their OWN responsibility for things they are actually responsible for.

Now I'm more balanced.
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