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Old 30-04-2019, 10:53 AM
little.nation little.nation is offline
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 289
Originally Posted by Morpheus
Pretty interesting stuff.

Look, as David attended to, how important is perspective and perception?
When people have bad things happen it can really affect perspective and perception.
Your perceptions about God aren't accurate, and based on your subjective reasoning.
I'm sorry about your misfortunes, but God loves you," l. n. "
Your anger at Him isn't going to improve your situation or help it.

Let me respond in one way. The Cross.

You know what Jesus went through for humanity' sake.
Compound it though from the perspective of the One Who knew no sin, being condemned, and suffering for our sins.

You know Hep, also, I've made the point about time and space, how it is illusory according to the findings of modern science, with respect to "reincarnation".
And, "Rain".
But, when we maintain the perspective, and perception that this material and organic situation is the greater truth and reality, then a linear situation of reincarnation is going to seem the case.
But, it's not the case.

So, one reason the Wachowski's illustration has appeal is because the Lord does make clear that this world is a battle ground.

This world, and humanity's situation, isn't as God intended because of a rebellion by a powerful being who was once an archangel, who brought down much of the angelic with him.
Who is also called, "the god of this world". And?
Much of his power over humanity and this world involves..?
Perspective and perception, as is exampled by you "l. n.",
as you have shared here.

Have you thought about the Cross? About how much God loves you to go through what Jesus did, for you?

This is not a "pat Christian" response and answer to you, in order to appease my perspective of the Almighty.
It's the truth.

I hope you will learn more about me and my story by reading the other messages ive produced this morning and then reconsider your opinion about my knowledge and experience, which is not wrong.
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