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Old 13-01-2018, 08:31 PM
CrystalSong CrystalSong is offline
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...watched the skip ahead snippets and realized I'm about up to my ears in the 'divine feminine' blather, (was asked to lead a group last night exploring it in fact) It's just another form of duality. Separation. Non Unity.

Looking forward to this exploration getting finished in my society and circles and something else becoming the spiritual fashion of the moment.

Lorelyen I really enjoyed what you wrote, it was informative and your writing style a pleasure to read today.
In your link this was particularly interesting: "Although the tradition of two wives – two Eves – appears early on, (to explain Biblical contradictions between the two Genesis stories) this interpretation of Creation’s timeline was not associated with the character of Lilith until the medieval period".
What follows which came out of the Alphabet of Ben Sira c. 800's to 900's, which is an abomination of mixtures of Myth and Legend going clear back to Sumerian times and vampire legends and other legends melding into what became "Lilith". What results is a story about Lilith, an assertive wife who rebelled against God and husband, was replaced by another woman, and was demonized in Jewish folklore as a dangerous killer of babies.
Later legends also characterize her as a beautiful woman who seduces men or copulates with them in their sleep (a succubus), then spawns demon children. According to some accounts, Lilith is the Queen of Demons.

Ah the time honored tradition of demonizing women....
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