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Old 01-12-2017, 02:00 PM
A human Being A human Being is offline
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Originally Posted by 7luminaries
Hey there HumanB...thanks for your kind words and your thoughtful responses too, as always .

Yes when it gets real...that's when folks stop and look around and may have to take a pause to admit that this is where we live. In a place of normative and socially mandated predation, hostility, aggression, exploitation, and narcissism...with a lot of cruelty and sadism thrown into the mix. And yet we can each choose to bring either lovingkindness and care or hostility and harm into the world. We each have the choice to do and be truer to self, and in so doing to advocate by word and deed for a different place, a different society, and a set of normative ways and means.

Yes, I completely agree that we do need to feel to heal...and also that support systems are absolutely crucial to healing.

I'm going to go a bit further and say ongoing support systems in the form of community and society at large are necessary for all humanity to go beyond mere survival. To live in a place where healing and progress and thriving is first possible and then probable and lastly...where healing, growth, and actualisation become commonplace, normative, and might even be reasonably expected.

Peace & blessings, amigo
Apologies, 7L, did mean to reply to this sooner. But you're right, yes, that we have to open our eyes to the reality of the situation, we have to acknowledge that our world is dysfunctional in so many ways; at the same time I believe that we have to understand why this is so, we have to look at our world not with judgement and condemnation but with compassion and an open heart. And, as you say, we need to recognise that we do have a choice in terms of how we respond - we can act from a cynical and embittered state of mind, adopting an attitude of, 'If you can't beat 'em, join 'em,' or we can act in accordance with the values we hold most high. In so doing we can play our own small part in creating a more compassionate and loving world, one that facilitates healing rather than perpetuating suffering.

Peace and blessings to you, too
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