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Old 22-02-2017, 06:58 AM
gentleheart gentleheart is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 47
its not time because you have much to do yet

How many of you have an important task to fulfill before you die that you are kept from dying?
Ive been close to death many times and i think it was the second time i was near death that i was told i had to stay.
I was really sick and my mom never explained about medicine to me. So i ended up with my first OD. Everything slowed to a halt. I was lifeless. And this angel appeared to me and he said it wasnt time yet. That the path i am on must continue. I was told i would not be allowed to die for a long time because i have a job to do and my path would be painful and misunderstood often. Which over the years so far it has been.
I remember i couldnt open my eyes rarely a crack, could rarely hear my mom when she got home and found me. I knew id be going to the hospital... I dont remember how i got in the van. My doorkeeper(guide) usually at the time would move me. Id allow her possession. I remember i couldnt move. My mom wanting me to get up off the seat in the van. I was awake just enough to understand but i wasnt moving. My doorkeeper took over. My body didnt have much strength but she got me up and went into the ER. They gave me even more medicine. Said i had bronchitis and pneumonia.
During the time i hadnt much of a clue as to what was so important to live for. I was only 17. But recently since im starting to have my spiritual awakening, i now know what it is i have for my path. Of course i had felt it to be true as i grew but i figured it was just a silly thought in my head. Im like, "those things dont happen". But it did and im honored to have such a path...
Its still very painful but i understand why it is the way it is... And ive had more experiences with death, even to watch my second son go to heaven. Was not long ago either. But im always either visited or blessed during each horrible near death experience.
And no. It doesnt make me immortal. I will die like everyone else. Its just not time for me yet.
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