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Old 18-02-2018, 05:16 PM
Nitiananda Nitiananda is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 161
In the spiritual practice of the East (yoga, Buddhism, etc.) there is such a phenomenon called the devil's state. Contact with the low astral.
These phenomena occur when there are certain blocks in the energy body and the energy does not pass upward freely. And then it unfolds and opens the lower chakras. And what happens with you is a typical example of the devil's state. And it is important for you to understand that you just opened the door to the high-voltage shield and climbed into it without the means of spetszashchity.Mozhet very strongly dolbanut .. So that the roof is leaking completely .. You communicate not with angels, but creatures from the lower astral easily take any form and can imitate any known h Lovek saint of God., wise old man etc. In addition, they are easy to read your mind, and generally hit the weakest point cheloveka.Obychno to tend to people with a strong pride.
Council to end with these contacts. If you do not want to spend all your life in a psychiatric hospital
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