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Old 26-02-2014, 12:45 PM
Spirit Seeker Spirit Seeker is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Texas
Posts: 162
Originally Posted by E.V.P researcher
I do a lot of recordings using my ghost boxes and have had some really interesting replies. Just over a year ago my dad passed to spirit. It was a few weeks later whilst experimenting using the box. I held up a photo of my dad holding me as a baby. I got about five different voices in a row call out his name followed by my name. A bit later I was called a c±nt.
Like a radio it seems spirit at different levels can push their words in at any time. You cannot just get what you want when you want it. People and the spirit world are working towards better methods of electronic contact I was told whilst sitting at a physical seance. Exciting stuff ahead

It is exciting stuff indeed. It might be coincidence if your name and your dads was said once, but five times????? Plus to be called the c-word, which you should not be hearing on the box at all. On an investigation I was on not long ago at a retired prison, we went into one cell block area and used the ghost box. When we asked who was here with us, we got a reply a bunch of d---s. Another group was up later and they got called the c-word. What was incredible about the experiences, I was with a group of mostly men and the other group was mostly women. The Fiji Islands has a better chance of winning the World Cup than this happening.
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