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Old 24-08-2017, 03:36 AM
Colorado Colorado is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 715
Just so you know...I don't think asking or wanting to be a female in your next life is too much to ask for. But, just so you know, you will carry over all of your insecurities and negativities into your next life. You may not like your physical body in your next life....even if you are female, with a perfect body and gorgeous face. You will see that, the same issues you have regarding your body in this life, will be the same in the next. It's funny how we try to change things, only to get the same results. I know that regardless of what body you get, the lessons are going to be the same...different day, different time, same issues. The energy only changes when you change it, spiritually. Being a woman has its own issues. People will hate you for being a beautiful woman, even more than theynwill hate you for being a transgender. Every ying has a yang. What younreally need to focus why you are having a hard time accepting yourself, the way you are now....cause believe it, you chose it for spiritual reasons. To grow, learn, love....and that starts with yourself, you were made perfect the way you are now...for perfect reasons, pertaining to your very own perfect spiritual growth. The spirit, soul, what it's about, and that's really between you and God (energy) first? Life on earth isn't heaven, it's a school room, and for some a real life have to make it your own heaven, and the very first to love yourself.

I mean, I wanted blue eyes in this life.....can you imagine my horror when my olderbrothers were looking into the mirror and both of them had beautiful light blue eyes, and blonde hair......and here I was, the baby, whom should get all the attention:), 3 or 4 years old, a girl...and hearing everyone talk about how beautiful my brothers were....and they give me the mirror and say.....look, your eyes are brown. Yuck, you got ugly eyes. I looked, because I didn't believe them....and yep, they were brown. I remember thinking, ***? I was very disappointed to say the least. I felt robbed! ROBBED, I tell you! I remember looking at my brothers, like what did you do with mine? They clearly stole mine, and took what belonged to me. Even my mom has blue eyes, and my dad has green. So I threw that hand mirror down. Okay, time to move on, nothing to see here (but could they do a cartwheel.....No)
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