Thread: the black hole
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Old 15-03-2020, 12:54 AM
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Originally Posted by feather
Fascinating video Ketzer. Thank you for sharing. While so much of it was over my head, it really did reflect the vastness of the universe(s) and the awe-inspiring possibilities. I was familiar with The String Theory and Many World Theory. When I said "from a strictly spiritual perspective" I was differentiating between a Soul's evolution - where it travels - and Quantum Physics and Cosmology.
Funny you should mention string theory.
The universe is indeed vast, much more vast, with so many more possibilities than we are capable of imagining from our four dimensional perspective. Perhaps sailing on the quantum waves of the cosmic ocean, to the many worlds in those dimensions of string theory, is where the soul travels through on is journey of evolution. Are you familiar with Joseph Campbell. He mapped out the basic pattern in most stories of human mythology. I won't go into all the details as there is plenty online if one is interested. In short, though each story is different, the pattern is similar. And though each journey goes to a different place, the hero never returns the same, each trial and tribulation results in transformation and growth. This pattern is woven into many (most) of the stories of human mythology and even into the stories we tell today. It seems it is a journey we all seek, an inherent need written into our souls.
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