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Old 25-12-2016, 03:33 PM
Rozie Rozie is offline
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Based on my own experience, there are common themes that we recognize in others.

Necro talks about being treated poorly, and I don't know what else is going on but I know roughly what is going on. It is real, but hard to navigate. I have difficulties too. It isn't easy. Some people don't have as rough of a time as you do. Much of what you say is right on. There are things that I would view differently but not disagree with.

You are God in human form. So am I. In my opinion everybody is, but less aware.

Some are born to do this work. That is why we are here, so I don't think it is a choice. We have a choice about how we handle it.

Understanding that this is real is important for our self-esteem. I know it is but the naysayers don't get it. They can't.

I don't label myself in any way. I don't like labels and I find them to be limiting. That is personal preference.

If someone needs my help, they will find me. Sometimes another person is more appropriate for someone. My ways may not be the best fit.

@Bluewolf. To me it seems like you need help. I write poetry or spells as I call them. I draw as well, you know, pictures that draw themselves. It does take work and practice to develop techniques and improve. I have been through that. It sounds like magic to me. That could be witchcraft or shamanism or both. They can be the same but you don't know what your purpose is. That takes time.. Your experiences were part of the process. That is what concerns me. An experience may seem very real, and it is, but it is illusion at the same time. There is a purpose for the experience. It is to mess with your head. That is how changes are made, the kind of changes that give you abilities or can lead to madness. You don't want option number 2. That is a very real danger. You were channeling that voice and don't trust it. You can't trust spirits as a rule, or what they say, at least until you get a grasp on how to discern. You need protection..You might want to research that.
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