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Old 13-01-2019, 02:52 AM
Empowers Empowers is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 234
So I've been a reiki master since 1994. About the time of the explosion of different schools of thought about it, and different techniques. What I can tell you from my experience is that the ritual can help the reiki providers' experience, and deepen the understanding and connection for the provider, but the experience that the person receiving is having has nothing to do with you.

In relation to using the symbols, no matter what version you have been taught - and there are many - they can help you align to a particular frequency very quickly. Aligning can create a space, can create an intention, but the person who benefits the most from the rituals associated with reiki is the person providing the reiki, for their movement and mastery of self. If the person receiving reiki is meant to get the healing, they will, and your only participation is being a flow that is more accessible to what they need.

So have great fun, it is amazing hanging out in the reiki energy, using the symbols, building the space. And thank them for your healing when you're done :-)
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