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Old 23-07-2020, 04:30 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by BlakeGood88
Is it really possible to reincarnate into the past? I was talking to someone earlier today who happens to be agnostic and while they said reincarnation is possible, they didn't think it was possible to reincarnate backwards in time. I hope this is not true. I really don't want to live my next life in the future (like the 22nd century) and possibly end up on some other planet, because Earth will not be around in the next 100 years. Why would God go against what I want to do?
hi what you want and what you need might be 2 different things that you only know the difference of not here on earth as a human but as a spirit. About the time-thing I honestly have no idea. i think it would be fabulous, though :)

I have had a past life regression meditation experience where many things i saw and did not know in this life or could have known i later found validation for through my search but i really had to also get the help of others from that particular country, region what had been going on there. i never knew why that life came to me and it was a life way, way back in time. It ended as I ran looking like some peasant girl off a cliff after a man was chasing me. I also hoovered over as i saw a kind of funeral which surprised me because i thought they would think it was suicide which was a great sin and would make me a form of witch or sinner or something, but i think it was the husband, the man chasing me, that had told them it was an accident so I could get this proper burial. I pointed him out to have been my ex in this life and the way he died could have been an accident and could have bee a suicide. It is very tragic.

Either way I now understand, finally, why this life came to me, to let me know of a future warning - the ex death - and that it is karma. It's on me now to to have that type of experience. we needed to have it done this way I guess to have balance even if it is a very hard lesson and painful to go through. the times were different then too, so way back, and there had been a shift in how the attitude was towards the women, this had change for the worse and I was reacting towards it. the ex in that life would most likely give me orders without explaining why, and what broke us up in this life was when he gave an order and would not explain why and I knew there was something he was not telling me and i wanted to know what it was before i would say yes to marrying him his way (eloping, nobody there from family and friends). He would not stand for that and call it off, think i got too close to the truth, he was hiding something from me, something or somebody he may not have want me to know about. after he did not own up to it, recognize how much he had hurt me and it just became this thick wall between us and another fate was created for me. He would later say he had always loved me and that he miss me, but i had set on my new fate.

what was spooky about it all is that this life came to me before i even met him but i then took little notice of it, and it already back then explain how I had died, and then it came again and then i did the search but i never thought or never felt that there was unfinished business to it, and i did not feel like going back there. i have not understood why it came to me until recently when seeing a comparison to the ex's death in this life.

I don't think that one gets to be in the time one prefers but the time that best suit the calling. It may not make sense to a human but to a spirit.
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