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Old 17-11-2011, 12:34 AM
Posts: n/a
Well if we are ultimately energy then it can be concluded that the spirit world is nothing but energy. We lose our physical bodies and are converted into energy after death. From my own experience the souls,Angels or Guides who work with you know everything about who you are, what you are going to and what is going to happen to you until the day you die. I feel this is just your Guide trying to let you know you are having some issues in your home and to beware. I have had many experiences with my car where it has died on me and I called on my Guides and Angels to start it back up for me. I prayed that anyone in the spirit world with experience with cars to come work it out for me. I prayed, put my hands on the dash and spread energy to the engine. There wasnt one time that the car didnt start the very first time I tried it!! Pretty kewl huh?? We all have it in us and they automatically know when things are off in our world. Find gratitude that they are warning you!! Thats awesome!!!
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