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Old 18-01-2019, 11:17 PM
GoldenEmbers GoldenEmbers is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 103
I'm Finally seeing signs, but I'm manifesting them?

I have made many posts regarding the subject of signs. Lately I have been seeing a whole bunch of them, but to be honest, I'm not exactly sure that they are real. What I mean by real is genuine or legitimate.(Not saying that other's experiences with signs are not real, but I'm talking about my own)

I have different reasons for this. One being that I realized I could manifest them. I can give meaning to a number. Let's say that I associate this number with a person. I could see from a few minutes to a few hours later and when I do, I am bombarded with it.

If I am not making an intention towards this person or even just thinking about them, the signs don't show up.

Now about the genuine part I was talking about earlier. Whenever I listen to these signs, they aren't true, in other words they are always reflecting what I believe. If I think that something is a certain way, signs will show up telling me that it is that way (even if it's not). I guess what they say about what you believe being true in your reality is true.

I know our brains are so powerful that they can see things, but there have been times where I would NEVER see these specific signs. There would be periods where there was nothing, until I started thinking about it again.

I know, This is probably not new to anyone, but I think I just realized that I AM The Universe. Yes, everyone is going to be like "you don't say!", but this is the most powerful realization I have ever made in my life.

Not only that, but what you believe to be true in your reality is always truth. It's crazy! Though I keep asking myself how others get legitimate answers from the universe or angels. Whenever I ask for a sign from them, I get nothing. If I do get a sign, It's just me manifesting it.

Anyway, I hope I didn't waste anyone's time with this post. I wanted to know if anyone else here experiences the same thing. Before all of this, I thought I couldn't manifest anything, but I realized I can. I might've even been manifesting for the signs to not show up.

Thank you for reading.
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