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Old 02-01-2012, 01:58 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Apples56
This is a question i have been asking myself for the past 6yrs. The last time I spoke to my nan she was angry with me and shouted at me. That was the last time she ever spoke to me. Becasue of family upsets I dont speak to my parents of other members of family. I rarely speak to my sister but she did call me 2 weeks after the phone call to tell me Nan had died of a heart condition. I was mortified. I have never really forgiven myself and feel partly to blame. I never knew she was ill, my sister didnt tell me. For a while after I was cold and grieving. But my question is, Do spirits stay angry after death? Do they forgive?

thank you

Hi there, I find your question really lovely, and one very close to home. I can answer you with all honesty, as I speak to spirit often. Yes they do forgive, and some take time to do so.... it very much depends on the person they were when they were alive mostly, and also how long they have been in spirit (if they were a negative entity on earth, but been in spirit to heal for some time, then chances are theyve done much healing).

I can speak from both sides of the coin having departed family who were both loving on earth, and not so on earth. To expain my father crossed in 2001. It really tore me up, like yourself and your departed loved one, we had good and bad days (history so to speak) but it was my father who has been with me and is helping me heal my heart. However my grandmother on my mother's side who I never knew, she died before I was born, has had hooks in me for years, it took a very gifted sharman healer to remove them,.... when I asked him why? He told me 'she was a hateful women in life and she still is in spirit, she believes women are pathetic creatures and they deserve to suffer".... To elaborate, this women tortured my mother from the age of 4 and put her in a mental insituture where she was systematicaly abused, when she came home for holidays back to her mother home (my grandmothers home) she encouraged her sons to abuse my mother and beat her. My mother was insitutionalised to the age of 25 and has suffered many broken bones due to her mother very sad.

I found the best way to make your peace with those in spirit, is to actually open a dialogue with them, from your heart. To sit in meditation, call in your guides as mediators if you feel more comfortable, and send them love, open your heart and talk to them honestly. This frees you of any negative feels toward yoursel, and the loving energy you send also frees them of any negative cords.... its a wonderful thing!

I hope this answers your question.
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