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Old 20-11-2017, 01:26 AM
Iamit Iamit is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Location: West Wales. u.k
Posts: 1,002
Tradition and the resistance to change.

There are numerous examples of resistance to change. Traditionalists tried to boo Bob Dylan of the stage and called out "Judas" when he first turned up with The Band, some of the finest musicians in the business, as can be seen in Martin Scorses documentory "No direction home" and on You Tube.

What were those traditionalists so scared of? Why did they get so excited about him exploring different ways?

Were those traditionalists sucessful in their threats and intimidation to prevent Dylan exploring his art in any way he wanted?

No....he turned up the volume :)

Neo Advaita has as much right to expression as the traditional view. If it resonates with you, dont let traditionalists shut down debate and intimidate you with their abuse. There are already signs that this is happening here, If such bullies are not challenged you will only be allowed to discuss what they say you can. Is that what you want for this forum?

Turn the volume up.
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