Thread: Ramana Maharsi
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Old 05-02-2018, 05:44 AM
iamthat iamthat is offline
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Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Ramana attained enlightenment in July 1896 at the age of 16.

He moved to the temple at Tiruvannamalai in September 1896.

From September 1896 to November 1907 he remained in silence, deeply absorbed within. Initially he ignored his physical body for days on end but was cared for by various people who were drawn to this youthful yogi.

In 1899 he moved to Virupaksha cave on Arunachala and stayed there until 1916. However, he was not permanently in meditation. He would walk around the hill and bathe and eat, and also teach others after his years of silence were over. But much of his time was spent in meditation.

In 1916 he moved to a larger cave (Skandashram) and lived there until 1922. His mother became a disciple until her death in 1922. Ramana moved to a hut near her tomb and more buildings were added, forming his ashram. Ramana stayed there until his death in 1950.

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