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Old 20-04-2017, 11:22 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by SaturninePluto

In time- my success rate for manifesting in this manner is high enough that I have confidence in the method. Also a neat thing with the journaling is I have come to manifest things I had forgotten writing about, and when I went back to look at the writing after receiving that which I required, realized it was something I was actively in affirmation with to achieve as I then noticed the amount it was written about, which if I am really looking forward to something or in obtaining a cxertain thing; I write about it quite often. This also helps me to set goals in means of obtaining. Like cost and transportation, and I often times find at times that sometimes I simply need make mention of wanting something, and it is then given to me when unexpected by someone who had it. And the cycle of giving continues as that brings me happiness and I look to spread that happy feeling to others and be their- you showed up and had what I needed, just when I needed you type individual.

You've hit on an important point. Try not to go out of one's way looking for results. Difficult, yes; notice things, yes, but don't question too deeply or get disappointed if an obvious result doesn't appear in a hoped-for timescale. Setting a timescale is dodgy - it depends how practical one's aim is.

Sounds a bit of a contradiction but - look on things with disinterested interest! if that makes any sense.

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