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Old 19-06-2018, 10:15 PM
Michelle11 Michelle11 is offline
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My impression is that it isn't just death that is predetermined. I suspect that most of the major events of our life are predetermined as well the people in it. it almost has to be predetermined for us to all interconnect and have the encounters we need to have to learn what we came to learn. I often here the phrase, the stars aligned, to describe an event that just came together like magic. This means the time, place and people need to converge at the right time, at the right place, with the right people for the encounter to occur. For example, a person is driving down a very rural highway and crashes. Without immediate help they would die but more often than not hours can go by without another car in sight but as chance would have it, on this day, at this exact point in time, a doctor or paramedic is driving to go on vacation right behind the car. Could be happenstance or it could be it was meant to happen that way.

We often feel the need to push our lives forward and get things done now when more often than not life has it's own timetable and things will only fall in line once all the stars align. This includes death.

This in many ways does take away some of our free will, but I suspect that maybe the free will comes in before we script our lives. Once we commit we are bound to the contract that is our life with all the events and people that will cross our paths. Our free will coming into play in regards to how we chose to respond to the events of our life.

I read a book once that talked about suicides and how they might be addressed in a prelife plan. The idea the book presented was that a suicide was never written into a life plan but that there is a potential for it to happen given the conditions that the soul would encounter that life. The people who agreed to be a part of the life of someone who struggles acknowledge that the potential for suicide is there and they are willing to risk it to be a part of their life.

In any event, I would suspect if our death is predetermined there is much more that is predetermined than any of us realizes. The coordination of all these souls to intermingle on this little planet makes it almost seem like it can't be any other way without absolute chaos. Of course we will never know until we ourselves pass over but it's what makes sense to me. Interesting topic, that is for sure.
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