Thread: Soul Contracts
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Old 04-09-2017, 09:43 AM
Dezmax Dezmax is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 79
Soul Contracts

Part of my spiritual pathway has led me to information relating to Soul Contracts and what these hold for us in our current life.

For those that are not familiar with the concept, a Soul contract is a bond you form with a fellow person in spirit, for the next life you have on earth.

This could range from simply pledging to meet and bring enhancement to that life through friendship and love all the way to the extreme challenges we face in life and some of our most trying moments.

I believe all these contracts are formed for the purpose of lessons that teach and expand our conciseness.

A few examples from my own life -

My Wife - I fully believe that we met in previous lives and have been in love before. WE both fully believe that this is the first life we will experience children together as a couple, which we have not in previous lives. There are many challenges we have faced and overcome together and i could not imagine facing these with any other person. To me this only further cements that certain small details in our life were pre-planned with each other.

My Spiritual mentor - When I met her it was a time in my life where I was essentially completely Atheist/Agnostic and had no religious or spiritual beliefs. Straight away I was enthralled with every word she said and wanted to instantly explore my spirituality further. It suddenly felt like I was welcomed home and with my mentor, it felt that we had been friends forever. It was clear we had connected previously in another life and this made it very easy to communicate and learn from each other. Once again it was clear we had pre-organised the meeting in this lifetime.

It is important to note, that i do not believe these soul contract to be 100% life encompassing and that we still have an element of free will to deviate from our plans, but sooner or later our contracts will play out and allow us to develop and learn lessons in this life that we have yet to master in other lives!

I hope this makes sense and would love to hear other peoples opinions on this.
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