Thread: Voodoo curse
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Old 01-04-2007, 09:54 AM
Posts: n/a
Hiya jonny,

I'm picking up vibes from what you've posted here. I feel you and your girlfriend are not cursed. May I ask, how do you feel about your new found relationship, anything holding you back?

Sometimes we get sent messages that manifest in the form of pain or illness, or even misfortune, in order to bring our attention to something conscious or subconscious, that needs to be dealt with.

Since you and your girlfriend are both experiencing pains & illness, there's the possibility that you both can discover & heal through your union. You may have to endure it until you get what it is your misfortunes are really trying to tell you.

Last edited by angelicious : 01-04-2007 at 08:09 PM.